Ocean Summit

/ Joining Efforts
Foto: Micah Stanbridge

POR: Equilibrio

On October 10, 11 and 12, the second edition of the international Ocean Summit, took place in the city of La Paz, Baja California Sur in Mexico. This Summit edition was named Connect to Protect. The event was put together by our ally Beta Diversidad, Pew Bertarelli Trusts and Sea Legacy. The Equilibrio team covered the entire event and had conversations with all 51 speakers and various participants.

The Summit was inaugurated by the State’s Governor, Víctor Castro Cosío and was also attended by ministerial state and federal authorities.

During the Summit a total of 15 panels were held and different topics of relevance for the conservation of the ocean were exposed. These panels were led by national (30) and international (21) participants. Also present on the panels were experts, scientists, non-governmental associations, photographers, and leaders of coastal fishing communities in Baja California Sur.

Some of the topics that were discussed were: coastal fishing in Mexico, the role of the Mexican Congress in our oceans, CBD, 30 by 30 and the international treaty promoted by the UN of BBNJ to create Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) outside the jurisdictions, science as an ally of marine conservation, the value of Marine Protected Areas, other effective conservation measures (OECMs), conservation tourism, deep-sea mining, fishing subsidies, innovative instruments to finance MPAs, Blue Carbon, etc.

Among other serious and respected names in the world of marine conservation, some of the speakers were Mario Gómez, president of Beta Diversidad, Max Bello, expert in international environmental policies and representative of the UNFCCC COP25 presidential committee, Nina Epps IUCN, Dr. Rashid Sumaila, Kathleen H. Fitzgerald, Enduring Earth, CMAR Technical Secretary José Julio Casas, Cristina Mittermeier Sea Legacy, Gustavo Alanis CEMDA, Manolo Fernández Pelagic Life, Florence Tercier Ledunfly Foundation, Rory Moore, the Blue Marine Foundation, Fabien Laurier, the Minderoo Foundation, Joaquin Labougle, the Blue Nature Alliance, Michael Fishbach the Great Whale Conservancy, Sandra Bessudo, the Malpelo Foundation amongst others.

Mario Gómez invited the entire international conservation community to Connect to Protect at the end of the event, since the only real strategy that will allow us to achieve effective conservation of the oceans is joining efforts and working as a team. See you in 2023!

To relive the presentations the second edition of the international Ocean Summit, Connect to Protect, visit Beta Diversidad’s official YouTube channel. Click here.